
In the ahoi project, the IKEM is supporting the development of an on-demand service with autonomously and manually controlled vehicles for Hamburg's public transport system.

Ein On-Demand-Shuttle Fahrzeug von hvv hop (Quelle: VHH / Wolfgang Köhler)


In contrast to timetable-based public transport, on-demand transport offers flexible routes and departure times that are better geared to the needs of the users. They can help make public transport more attractive to a wider public, especially in areas with low population density or during off-peak hours.

The ahoi project aims to show how autonomously controlled vehicles can be integrated into such on-demand transport. To this end, a test field is being built in the Hamburg-Harburg service area of the existing on-demand service hvv hop, where up to 20 vehicles will be equipped with autonomous driving functions and tested. As part of a mixed fleet, these vehicles will later also be used in hvv hop’s passenger operations.

The IKEM is responsible for the legal research accompanying the project and investigates questions concerning the registration of the vehicles, their operation in road traffic and their integration into the public transport system. Based on these analyses, the IKEM will identify legal change requirements and optimisation potential.

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