Acceleration in the expansion of onshore wind energy

In this project, IKEM prepared a study on the legal implications of the federal government's legislative package for the expansion of onshore wind energy.



To accelerate the expansion of onshore wind energy, the German government passed a comprehensive legislative package in July 2022. This includes amendments to the Renewable Energy Sources Act, the Wind Energy at Sea Act, the Federal Nature Conservation Act and the new Act to Increase and Accelerate the Expansion of onshore Wind Turbines.

In a jurisprudential study, IKEM examined the innovations resulting from the changed legal situation for the regional planning of wind energy. The focus of the study was the interplay between federal legislation and state-specific regulations, as well as changes in species and landscape protection.


Acceleration in the expansion of onshore wind energy. Legal study commissioned by Enertrag AG.

Principal: ENERTRAG

Duration: 01/2023–02/2023

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IKEM and EUETH will be hosting a series of side events at this year’s climate negotiations to discuss the energy-climate-defense nexus, the reconstruction of Ukraine’s energy system, and nature-based solutions for climate mitigation.