Dr. Volker Bühner


IKEM – Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility e.V.

Dr. Volker Bühner

Dr. Volker Bühner

Member of the Advisory Board

Dr. Volker Bühner

Member of the Advisory Board

Dr. Bühner studied electrical engineering at the University of Dortmund and received his doctorate in 1998 in the field of artificial intelligence in power supply at the Chair of Electrical Power Supply at the University of Dortmund. Subsequently, he was first a project engineer and then a department head at EUS GmbH, a research spin-off.

Since 2006 he was responsible for forecasting and optimization systems and then virtual power plants at KISTERS AG. Since 2016, as Head of the Energy Business Unit at KISTERS AG, he has been responsible for providing and implementing solutions for the liberalized energy markets. These include control systems, energy data management, portfolio management, and forecasting and optimization, as well as the combination of these systems into overarching solutions such as virtual power plants and smart grids. Linked to this is the analysis of possible business models for the different roles of the energy markets.

His experience includes about 50 projects in the energy industry, among others the “Virtual Power Plant Unna”, one of the first virtual power plants in Germany in 2004. He is also responsible for EUS GmbH, in which the R&D activities of KISTERS AG are bundled. He has been project manager of research projects such as Web2Energy, Whell2Weel and SmartRuralGrid.

It is currently represented in the two KOPERNIKUS lead projects SynErgie and eNavi. Dr. Bühner is a member of the CIGRE Study Committee C6 “Dispersed generation in distribution systems” and a member of the ETG Task Force Active Energy Networks. He is co-author of the VDE-ETG study “Smart Distribution 2020” and over 50 others.



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IKEM and EUETH will be hosting a series of side events at this year’s climate negotiations to discuss the energy-climate-defense nexus, the reconstruction of Ukraine’s energy system, and nature-based solutions for climate mitigation.