Prof. Dr. Michael Rodi (Photo by Jule Halsinger)


IKEM – Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility e.V.

Prof. Dr. Michael Rodi (Photo by Jule Halsinger)

Prof Dr Michael Rodi

Executive and Scientific Director

Prof Dr Michael Rodi

Executive and Scientific Director

Prof. Dr. jur. Prof. Dr. jur. Michael Rodi (MA) is the founder of IKEM and its executive and scientific director. He is also the head of the IKEM research academy.

He is an expert on climate law. His other fields of expertise include the fields of sustainable energy and transport as well as fundamental issues of tax and subsidy law.

Prof. Dr. jur. Michael Rodi (M.A.) studied law, political science, and economics in Constance, Munich and Paris. From 1999 to 2021, he held the Chair of Public Law, Financial Law, Environmental and Energy Law at the University of Greifswald. He is currently the spokesperson for the “Energy” cluster at the Interdisciplinary Research Center for the Baltic Sea Region (IFZO).


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Cover Rechtlich-institutionelle Verankerung der Klimaschutzziele der Bundesregierung
Rodi, Michael; Stäsche, Uta; Jacobshagen, Ulf; Kachel, Markus; Fouquet, Dörte; Guarrata, Angela; Nysten, Jana Viktoria; Nusser, Jens; Halstenberg, Michael

Rechtlich-institutionelle Verankerung der Klimaschutzziele der Bundesregierung

IKEM, BBH und HFK Rechtsanwälte.
Rodi, Michael

Machtverschiebungen in der Europäischen Union im Rahmen der Finanzkrise und Fragen der demokratischen Legitimation

In: JZ, 15-16, S. 737 ff.
Rodi, Michael

Das Rechtsprivileg als Steuerungsmittel im Umweltschutz?

In: Kloepfer, Michael [Hrsg.]: Umweltschutz als Rechtsprivileg, S. 13 ff. Duncker & Humblot
Join us at
IKEM and EUETH will be hosting a series of side events at this year’s climate negotiations to discuss the energy-climate-defense nexus, the reconstruction of Ukraine’s energy system, and nature-based solutions for climate mitigation.