Matthias Hartwig


IKEM – Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility e.V.

Matthias Hartwig

Matthias Hartwig

Deputy Managing Director, Department Head

Matthias Hartwig

Deputy Managing Director, Department Head

Matthias Hartwig is a lawyer and expert in legal, political and economic issues relating to mobility and transport. His publications and lectures, his teaching activities at TU Berlin and his projects focus on the topics of eleltric mobility and alternative fuels, automated and connected driving, connectivity and digitalisation of mobility as well as the integration of new forms of mobility into public transport and freight transport on road and rail.

Matthias Hartwig is a Senior Research Associate at IKEM, where he has been Head of the Mobility Department since 2014. Since May 2024, he has also held the position of Deputy Managing Director of the institute.

He studied Economics and Law in Hamburg, Greifswald and Alcalá de Henares (Madrid/Spain).


Screenshot, Webseite des Tagesspiegel Backgrounds Verkehr & Smart Mobility
Hartwig, Matthias

Fahrzeuge müssen die StVO strikt umsetzen

Standpunkt im Tagesspiegel Background Verkehr & Smart Mobility.
Lehnshack, Markus; Palutke, Katharina; Hartwig, Matthias

Rechtliche Bedingungen für den Einsatz autonomer mobiler Roboter im öffentlichen Raum

Studie im Rahmen des BMBF-Begleitprojekts „rokit“
Cover der EUniS Handlungsempfehlungen
Eschweiler, Jana; Großmann, Simon; Hartwig, Matthias

Bidirektionales Laden und Bereitstellung von Flexibilitäten im elektrifizierten ÖPNV

Regulatorische Handlungsempfehlungen. Erstellt im Rahmen des Projekts EUniS.
Join us at
IKEM and EUETH will be hosting a series of side events at this year’s climate negotiations to discuss the energy-climate-defense nexus, the reconstruction of Ukraine’s energy system, and nature-based solutions for climate mitigation.