2021-07-19 Thimet picture

Juliane Thimet

Juliane Thimet

Dr Juliane Thimet is a jurist. Stints abroad have taken her to Boulder, USA, to Strasbourg, and to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in Chicago, among other places. 

Since 2016, she has been Deputy Managing Director of the Bavarian Association of Municipalities, a leading municipal association whose members include more than 2,000 cities and municipalities and 250 special-purpose associations for water supply and wastewater disposal. From 1991 to 2002, she headed the building departments of various district offices in the Bavarian State Ministry of the Interior. In 2003, she moved to the Bavarian Association of Municipalities. There, she initially focused on legislation and financing for public facilities, i.e. municipal tax law. In 2018, she turned her attention to water law. 

Since 2009, she has also been chairwoman of Wasserwerksnachbarschaften Bayern e.V., a non-governmental organisation. Around 4,000 technical employees from Bavaria’s waterworks take advantage of its decentralised events each year to exchange experiences and receive further training. She is the editor and author of specialist commentaries on municipal tax and local law, as well as on municipal statute law and corporate law. She is also the author of the books Trinkwasserversorgung: Pflichtaufgabe jeder Gemeinde and Abwasserbeseitigung: Technik und Recht. 

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IKEM and EUETH will be hosting a series of side events at this year’s climate negotiations to discuss the energy-climate-defense nexus, the reconstruction of Ukraine’s energy system, and nature-based solutions for climate mitigation.