Judith Schäfer-Gendrisch (Photo by Jule Halsinger)


IKEM – Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility e.V.

Judith Schäfer-Gendrisch (Photo by Jule Halsinger)

Judith Schäfer-Gendrisch

Managing Director

Judith Schäfer-Gendrisch

Managing Director

Judith Schäfer-Gendrisch is a Managing Director and energy law expert at IKEM. Her research focuses on the production, transport and utilisation of renewable fuels in shipping as well as on construction law issues relating to the development of renewable energy plants. Prior to this, she headed the Energy Law department at IKEM for several years and worked as a project manager in the projects WIR!-Campfire, TransHyDE and others. She studied law at the University of Konstanz and Universidad de Valencia in Spain and specialized in environmental law, planning law and public commercial law. She completed her legal clerkship at the district court of Konstanz. Her legal clerkship included assignments at the law firm Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek in Stuttgart, the administrative court of Sigmaringen and the Canadian office of the law firm Lette et Associés in Montréal. After her legal training, Mrs. Schäfer gained practical experiences as a Research Associate at the law firm GSK Stockmann. Judith Schäfer-Gendrisch has participated in the academic discourse with numerous lectures and publications and was also a lecturer at the Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR) in the Business Law programme.


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Schäfer, Judith

From wind and water to ammonia: Marine fuel and energy storage for a zero-emission future

Titel des Buches: Akzeptanzstrategien in den energieintensiven Industrien
Schäfer, Judith; Ohle, Leony

Verfahrensfragen bei Produktionsprozessumstellung

In: Kompetenzzentrum Klimaschutz in energieintensiven Industrien: Akzeptanzstrategien in den energieintensiven Industrien – Aus der Praxis für die Praxis. S. 101-118.
Titel des Buches: Akzeptanzstrategien in den energieintensiven Industrien
Schäfer, Judith; Ohle, Leony

Dekarbonisierung und Planungsrecht

In: Kompetenzzentrum Klimaschutz in energieintensiven Industrien: Akzeptanzstrategien in den energieintensiven Industrien – Aus der Praxis für die Praxis. S. 90-100.
Join us at
IKEM and EUETH will be hosting a series of side events at this year’s climate negotiations to discuss the energy-climate-defense nexus, the reconstruction of Ukraine’s energy system, and nature-based solutions for climate mitigation.