

IKEM – Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility e.V.


Friederike Pfeifer

Doctoral candidate

Friederike Pfeifer

Doctoral candidate

Friederike Pfeifer was the head of department and Senior Research Associate at IKEM with a focus on mobility and is now a doctoral candidate. She worked on projects in the field of electromobility, charging infrastructure and sustainable mobility concepts (Move Urban, MUV). She is now working on a PhD at Greifswald University (Prof. Dr. Rodi).

She studied law at Humboldt University of Berlin. In 2013-2015, she conducted her legal clerkship at Kammergericht Berlin – including stages at the Federal Ministry of the Interior and at the German Embassy in Dhaka/Bangladesh. At Oeko-Institut e.V. and at the German Bar Association (DAV), she gained further professional experience in the fields of environmental law, policy advice and event organization. Prior to joining IKEM in 2017, she was employed at the Federal Foreign Office.


Poster zu Pop-Up-Radwegen
Katharina Csillak, Simon Kaser

Promoting healthy, bike-friendly and sustainable urban mobility in post-covid times

From Pop-Up to Permanent. A case study on Berlin. Poster, veröffentlicht vom Institut für Klimaschutz, Energie und Mobilität.
Bernecker, Tobias et al.

Nachhaltige Logistik der Kurier-, Express- und Paketdienste (KEP): Kommunaler Leitfaden

Herausgeber: e-mobil BW GmbH – Landesagentur für neue Mobilitätslösungen und Automotive Baden-Württemberg
Cover Handbuch Klimaschutzrecht
Rodi, Michael [Hrsg.]

Handbuch Klimaschutzrecht

C.H. Beck, München
Join us at
IKEM and EUETH will be hosting a series of side events at this year’s climate negotiations to discuss the energy-climate-defense nexus, the reconstruction of Ukraine’s energy system, and nature-based solutions for climate mitigation.