Friederike Allolio


IKEM – Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility e.V.

Friederike Allolio

Friederike Allolio, LL.M

Senior Research Associate

Friederike Allolio, LL.M

Senior Research Associate

Friederike Allolio is a research associate in the department of energy law at IKEM. Her research focus lies on the field of hydrogen infrastructure. She works in research projects that deal with hydrogen transport and import, regulation and infrastructure development. Moreover, Friederike works on legal questions on international market mechanisms in climate action. She studied law in Freiburg and Pisa. After the first state examination, she completed an LLM at the Universiteit van Amsterdam in the field of international and European law. After finishing the second state examination, she gained practical experience in the legal field of administrative law as an associate in the legal department of the city of Freiburg.


Cover der Machbarkeitsstudie "Leitungsgebundenes Wasserstofftransportnetz in der Lausitz"
Allolio, Friederike; Ohle, Leony; Rieger, Ruth; Temmler, Florian

Machbarkeitsstudie leitungsgebundenes Wasserstofftransportnetz in der Lausitz

Kurzfassung. Erstellt von INFRACON und IKEM im Auftrag des Landkreises Spree-Neiße.
Paintner, Thomas; Allolio, Friederike

International and European Regulation on Ammonia as an Alternative Fuel in Shipping

Cover der TransHyDe-Studie
Allolio, Friederike; Ohle, Leony; Schäfer, Judith

TransHyDE-Studie zum Rechtsrahmen einer zukünftigen Wasserstoffwirtschaft

Rechtswissenschaftliche Studie im Auftrag der Fraunhofer Einrichtung für Energieinfrastrukturen und Geothermie.
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IKEM and EUETH will be hosting a series of side events at this year’s climate negotiations to discuss the energy-climate-defense nexus, the reconstruction of Ukraine’s energy system, and nature-based solutions for climate mitigation.