Dr. Alexandra Appel

Dr. Alexandra Appel

Head of department

Dr. Alexandra Appel

Head of department

Dr. Alexandra Appel is head of the mobility department at IKEM. She currently leads projects on electromobility and focuses on sustainable mobility concepts in urban and rural areas.

Previously, she was an academic councillor, researcher and lecturer at the Chair of Economic Geography at the Institute of Geography and Geology at the Julius-Maximilians-University of Würzburg (JMU). Her work focuses among others on topics of mobility and transport geography, such as the present and future of cities and municipalities against the background of transformation processes in transport and mobility and/or aspects of social acceptance and legitimation processes of change. In her research she investigates the interactions between groups of social actors, spatial structures and mobility (technologies).

She studied Geography, European Ethnology and Media Studies at universities in Marburg and Istanbul and received her PhD in 2014. Dr. Alexandra Appel is a member of several working groups and associations, including the MoVe (Mobility and Transport) working group of the German Geographical Society (DGfG) and the advsiory board of the journal „Standort – Fachzeitschrift für angewandte Geographie“.


Cover Digital Geography and Society
Hardaker, Sina; Appel, Alexandra

(Retail) platform legitimation through municipal partnerships?

In: Digital Geography and Society, Volume 8.
Factsheet FAMOUS
Pfeiffer, Zeno; Appel, Alexandra; Weber, Annika; Al Sabouni, Abdulghani; Vladova, Galya

Technologies, Standards and Business Models for grid-friendly Assetsharing of Charging Infrastructure

Factsheet für das Projekt FAMOUS.
Cover des Posters “Please hang in there!”: User Acceptance as a Key Element for a Successful Charging Infrastructure
Csillak, Katharina et al.

“Please hang in there!”: User Acceptance as a Key Element for a Successful Charging Infrastructure

Posterbeitrag für die Transport Research Arena 2024, Dublin, Irland.
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IKEM and EUETH will be hosting a series of side events at this year’s climate negotiations to discuss the energy-climate-defense nexus, the reconstruction of Ukraine’s energy system, and nature-based solutions for climate mitigation.