Prof. Dr. Dörte Fouquet

Prof. Dr. Dörte Fouquet

Member of the Advisory Board

Prof. Dr. Dörte Fouquet

Member of the Advisory Board

Prof. Dr. Dörte Fouquet is a lawyer, honorary professor at Leuphana University Lüneburg and member of the Scientific and Strategic Advisory Board of IKEM.

She studied law at the Universities of Marburg and Hamburg. In her studies and professional career, she specialized in European law and international legal relations. Prof. Dr. Fouquet has been a partner at the law firm Büttner Held since 2010, since 2021 in the position of Partner of Counsel. With a focus on competition, infrastructure, energy and environmental law, she advises companies, financial institutions, associations and government agencies in Germany and other member states, EU institutions and in the international arena. She is a member of the supervisory board of the Austrian E-Control and a member of the board of the Japanese Renewable Energy Institute in Tokyo. She is a member of the Economic Committee e.V. of the SPD.


Cover Additional benefit and essential elements of a climate-protection law with legally-binding climate-protection targets
Rodi, Michael; Stäsche, Uta; Jacobshagen, Ulf; Kachel, Markus; Fouquet, Dörte; Guarrata, Angela; Nysten, Jana Viktoria; Nusser, Jens; Halstenberg, Michael

Additional benefit and essential elements of a climate-protection law with legally-binding climate-protection targets

IKEM, BBH und HFK Rechtsanwälte.
Cover Rechtlich-institutionelle Verankerung der Klimaschutzziele der Bundesregierung
Rodi, Michael; Stäsche, Uta; Jacobshagen, Ulf; Kachel, Markus; Fouquet, Dörte; Guarrata, Angela; Nysten, Jana Viktoria; Nusser, Jens; Halstenberg, Michael

Rechtlich-institutionelle Verankerung der Klimaschutzziele der Bundesregierung

IKEM, BBH und HFK Rechtsanwälte.
Join us at
IKEM and EUETH will be hosting a series of side events at this year’s climate negotiations to discuss the energy-climate-defense nexus, the reconstruction of Ukraine’s energy system, and nature-based solutions for climate mitigation.