Visiting Lecture – Smart Cities in the Context of the German Energy Transition



In the context of the dissemination activities within the MEISTER project, IKEM organized a visiting lecture for a group of graduates from the Adtalem University in Brazil, made up from various fields of study, namely: engineering, architecture, urban planning. The aims of the event were twofold: 1) Present the contribution of IKEM’s research to the development of European Smart Cities; and 2) Discuss the potential knowledge transference to the Brazilian context.

IKEM’s research in the field of electro mobility, like the MEISTER project, makes a significant contribution to Smart Cities by analyzing the legal implications of the implementation of MEISTER products and business models in the EU. Moreover, IKEM’s research in the fields of urban energy transition, digitation, and public dynamic light, provided a complementary and interdisciplinary view of how the Smart City concept is approached within the institute’s research.

VMZ’s lecture about the Urban Mobility Platform and Real Time Information, also to be implemented within the MEISTER project, provided a detailed overview regarding the implications for implementing MEISTER’s products ‘Smart Park & Charge’ and ‘e-car sharing as a housing service’ in the city of Berlin trough the IoT.

The visiting professors and students were given a revealing illustration of how the – sometimes theoretical and abstract – academic learning can be brought to reality through innovative projects and cooperation between science and professional practice. On the other hand, IKEM’s researchers received an insight into the Brazilian reality and cultural context and learned about the implications this may have when it comes to innovating through project implementation.


Dr.-Ing. José Mercado
Magazinstraße 15-16 , 10179 Berlin
+49 (0) 30 408 1870-14

Date: 09.10.2019
Visiting Participants: 14 students, 2 professors, 1 CEPA Foundation coordinator
Host Speakers: José Mercado, Felix Nowack, Judith Schäfer, David Stegmaier.
Visiting Speaker: Claudia Baumgartner (VMZ)


IKEM – Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility e.V.

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IKEM and EUETH will be hosting a series of side events at this year’s climate negotiations to discuss the energy-climate-defense nexus, the reconstruction of Ukraine’s energy system, and nature-based solutions for climate mitigation.