Press release

Klima und Recht – the first legal journal on climate law


On 18 January, the Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility (IKEM) released the first issue of the new legal journal Klima und Recht (KlimR) in cooperation with the publishing house C.H.BECK. The publication of the monthly journal coincides with the development of the field of climate law. Each issue features articles by top authors and provides practical information on all legal aspects of climate protection. Klima und Recht is edited by Prof Dr Michael Rodi (IKEM director), Dr Simon Schäfer-Stradowsky (IKEM managing director) and a twelve-person editorial board.

The decision of the Federal Constitutional Court on the Climate Protection Act made it clear that climate protection has a legal dimension. Lawsuits and court decisions are important, but can only be considered as corrective measures. ‘The necessary transformation must be driven socially, parliamentarily, and economically,’ said Rodi. ‘In Klima und Recht, we’ll analyse these transformation processes. I’m looking forward to collaborating with so many of my colleagues.’

Klima und Recht is an interdisciplinary and practice-oriented journal. Every month, we’ll deliver first-class articles to a legal audience. And with opinion pieces and practical reports, we’ll offer readers new perspectives and information on the practical challenges of climate protection,’ added Schäfer-Stradowsky.

Dr Rolf-Georg Müller (Editorial Director at C.H.BECK), said: ‘Climate law is a new area of law that combines climate protection law, climate adaptation law and climate change law. Despite its importance, there hasn’t yet been a scientific journal that has focused entirely on this field. Klima und Recht closes that gap. We’re looking forward to our collaboration with IKEM.

The first edition of Klima und Recht addresses climate-related developments in 2021, the reform of the building code, climate lawsuits, and the classification of climate law within the multilevel system. Subsequent issues focus on sector coupling, climate finance, and the effects of climate law on world trade and human rights.

Further information

The journal Klima und Recht can be obtained directly from the publisher C.H.BECK or from specialist retailers. It is also available as a direct module in the beck-online database. For more information about the magazine and for a free three-month trial, visit

The co-editors of Klima und Recht are Prof Dr Michael Rodi (IKEM/Universität Greifswald), Prof Dr Jelena Bäumler (Leuphana Universität Lüneburg), Prof Dr Thorsten Beckers (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar), Prof Dr Dr Wolfgang Durner, LL.M. (Rhein. Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn), RA Dr Frank Fellenberg (Redeker Sellner Dahs), Prof Dr Claudio Franzius (Universität Bremen), Prof Dr Annette Guckelberger (Universität des Saarlandes), RA Prof Christian Held (Becker Büttner Held), Prof Dr Charlotte Kreuter-Kirchhof (Universität Düsseldorf), Prof Dr Alexander Proelß (Universität Hamburg), Dr Simon Schäfer Stradowsky (IKEM) and Jun-Prof Dr Cathrin Zengerling (Universität Freiburg).

Contact for press inquiries

Adrian Röhrig
+49 30 408 1870-17

Verlag C.H.BECK
Mathias Bruchmann
+40 89 381 89-266

About the editors

Prof. Dr. Michael RodiProf. Dr. Michael Rodi, an expert on climate law and policy, is the founder and executive and scientific director of IKEM and the head of IKEM Forschungsakademie. He is also a professor at the Faculty of Law and Political Science at the University of Greifswald, where he heads the Energy Transformation Cluster at the Interdisciplinary Research Center for the Baltic Sea Region (IFZO).

Prof. Dr. Jelena BaeumlerProf. Dr. Jelena Bäumler researches international climate and trade law and has held the professorship for public law and international law with a focus on sustainability at Leuphana University Lüneburg since 2019. She is head of the Erasmus Mundus master’s program International Law of Global Security, Peace and Development and director at the Institute for European Integration / Europa-Kolleg Hamburg.

Prof. Dr. Thorsten BeckersProf. Dr. Thorsten Beckers has headed the professorship for infrastructure economics and management (IWM) at the Bauhaus University in Weimar since 2019. His research focuses on new institutional economics and welfare economics with a focus on the sectors of transport, energy, waste and water management.

Prof. Dr. Dr. Wolfgang Durner, LL.MProf. Dr. Dr. Wolfgang Durner, LL.M. has held the chair and director of the Institute for Water and Waste Management Law at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms University since 2006. His particular scientific interests are environmental, planning and infrastructure law.

Lawyer Dr. Frank Fellenberg is a partner in the law firm Redeker/Sellner/Dahs and lecturer at the Freie Universität Berlin. Among other things, he is an expert on infrastructure and transport, European and German environmental law and energy law.

Prof. Dr. Claudio FranziusProf. Dr. Claudio Franzius has been a professor of public law, in particular administrative law and environmental law, at the University of Bremen since 2016. He also heads the Research Center for European Environmental Law.

Prof. Dr. Annette GuckelbergerProf. Dr. Annette Guckelberger holds the chair for public law at Saarland University. One of her research focuses is in the area of environmental, planning and energy law. Among other things, she is co-editor of a commentary on climate protection law and of several journals, including the journal Natur und Recht (NuR).

Prof. Christian HeldRA Prof. Christian Held has been a partner at the law firm Becker Büttner Held since 1993 and is the founder and deputy chairman of the board of IKEM. He is currently particularly involved in strategic advice in the area of regulation and the hydrogen economy in Europe and Germany.

Prof. Dr. Charlotte Kreuter-KirchhofProf. Dr. Charlotte Kreuter-Kirchhof has held the chair for German and Foreign Public Law, International Law and European Law at the Law Faculty of the Heinrich-Heine University in Düsseldorf since 2015. She is also the director of the Düsseldorf Institute for Energy Law (DIER).

Prof. Dr. Alexander ProelßProf. Dr. Alexander Proelß has held the chair for international maritime law and environmental law, international law and public law at the University of Hamburg since October 1, 2018. His research focuses primarily on international maritime and environmental law, foreign constitutional law and selected areas of national environmental law.

Simon Schäfer-Stradowskydr Simon Schäfer Stradowsky is managing director of IKEM and lecturer at the TH Cologne and TU Berlin. His research focuses on the development of a new energy law based on renewable energies, as well as the field of climate law at international and national level.

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Cathrin ZengerlingJun.-Prof. Dr. Cathrin Zengerling is a lawyer and works primarily in the areas of (international) environmental, energy and planning law as well as sustainable urban development. Since August 2019 she has headed the junior professorship Transformation to Sustainable Energy Systems at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg.


IKEM – Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility e.V.


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Klima und Recht

The first specialist journal on all legal aspects of climate law

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IKEM and EUETH will be hosting a series of side events at this year’s climate negotiations to discuss the energy-climate-defense nexus, the reconstruction of Ukraine’s energy system, and nature-based solutions for climate mitigation.