IKEM Academy ‘Energy & Climate’

Reframe the future: Innovation and new narratives to boost climate action

Participants of the IKEM Academy 2023

This year’s IKEM Academy will reframe our climate future, shifting the focus away from doom scenarios and onto positive narratives that inspire and engage. This will be brought to life with real-life practices, policy and projects that accelerate the energy transition, while empowering and inspiring more people to join the climate movement.

What’s on the Agenda in 2024

The four-day programme reframes essential building blocks of climate action and energy transition around a narrative of opportunity, possibility and empowerment through participatory workshops, energy site visits, networking dinners, panel discussions and seminars. As a participant, you will collaborate with other experts from the sustainability field as you:

  • Apply principles of design-thinking to build a sustainable city
  • Visit renewable-energy sites to see how local solutions contribute to global climate action
  • Learn how climate action, equality and diversity strengthen one another
  • Deep dive into green-tech breakthroughs that can help us reach our climate goals
  • Discuss how transnational collaboration can accelerate decarbonisation
  • Imagine new communication tools to draw everyone into the climate conversation

Who should attend?

IKEM Academy is open to a maximum of 35 participants who study, work or create in climate and energy-related fields, or have a particular interest in the issues covered in this year’s programme. Applicants are selected based on academic and/or professional qualifications and must have experience relevant to the topic.

How to apply

Fill out the application form and submit it by 11 June 2024. Qualified applicants are selected on a first-come, first-served basis. The number of spaces is limited, so apply early!

About IKEM Academy: Energy and Climate

The annual IKEM Academy is an interdisciplinary, international and innovative programme organised in close collaboration with the University of Greifswald. The Academy brings together innovators, researchers, creatives, policy experts, industry leaders and government officials from fields related to climate action, energy and sustainability to ideate new solutions to bolster the energy transition and reach our climate targets on time.


IKEM – Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility e.V.


IKEM Academy “Energy and Climate”

The IKEM Academy invites researchers and experts from all over the world to exchange ideas on climate change and the energy transition.

Join us at
IKEM and EUETH will be hosting a series of side events at this year’s climate negotiations to discuss the energy-climate-defense nexus, the reconstruction of Ukraine’s energy system, and nature-based solutions for climate mitigation.