On-demand goes autonomous

Green light for the AHOI research project

hvv hop

At the e-mobility conference of the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV) on the 21 and 22 March 2023 in Hamburg, the project “Automation of the Hamburg on-demand service with integration into the public transport system” – in short AHOI was launched. The project plans to put a fleet of autonomously and manually controlled vehicles on the road in Hamburg-Harburg by 2025. The IKEM is responsible for the accompanying legal research for the project.

The project is part of a bigger strategy called the Hamburg-Takt: By 2030, up to 10,000 autonomous vehicles are supposed to be on the road in Hamburg. Moreover, a new digital on-demand transport service is to be created, which has the potential to be adapted to rural areas. For this purpose, the Verkehrsbetriebe Hamburg-Holstein (VHH) have added 20 autonomous vehicles to their on-demand shuttle service “hvv hop”. The linking of the “on-demand” and “autonomous driving” components represents a unique use case in Europe.

The work of the IKEM in the project focuses on investigating the issues surrounding the registration of the vehicles, their operation in road traffic and their integration into the public transport system. Based on these analyses, the IKEM will identify legal change requirements and optimisation potential.

In addition to the IKEM and the VHH, the City of Hamburg, the software developer PSI Transcom GmbH, the Fraunhofer Institute for Transport and Infrastructure Systems and the Technical University of Hamburg are part of the project consortium. The partners will also work closely with the Association of German Transport Companies (VDV).


IKEM – Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility e.V.



In the ahoi project, the IKEM is supporting the development of an on-demand service with autonomously and manually controlled vehicles for Hamburg’s public transport system.

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