Europe-Ukraine Energy Transition Hub (EUETH)

The Europe-Ukraine Energy Transition Hub (EUETH) aims to leverage the reconstruction of Ukraine’s energy sector through technological innovation and legislative and regulatory modernization to help bring about a prosperous and vibrant economy in the postwar period.

By bringing together an interdisciplinary team of experts, the EUETH aims to support the efforts of European and international institutions to strengthen Ukraine’s governance, regulatory frameworks, and market mechanisms in the field of energy, sustainability, and climate action. The initiative establishes a permanent research hub situated in Berlin and Kyiv, dedicated to continued research and policy dialogue on Ukraine’s energy transition.

High-level discussion on Ukraine’s energy sector

Leading up to the Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC), EUETH hosted a high-level discussion on the future of Ukraine’s energy sector and its critical role in the nation’s path toward EU membership on. The event, taking place on 10 June 2024 in Berlin, highlighted the need for close cooperation between Ukrainian, European and transatlantic partners in order to ensure a swift implementation of the reforms needed for Ukraine to rebuild a functioning energy market, to align itself with EU regulations and to achieve its climate goals.

COP28 side event

At a COP28 side event hosted by the Europe Ukraine Energy Transition Hub (EUETH) on 8 December 2023, panelists highlighted the need for a robust legal framework and international cooperation for a successful transformation of the Ukrainian energy sector after the war.

Launch event

The EUETH was first presented at a launch event in Brussels on 25 October 2023. Participants included  high-level represenatives of the Ukrainian Government and the European Comission such as European Commission Executive Vice President Maroš Šefčovič and Ukraine’s First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Affairs Yuliia Svyrydenko.


EUETH has conducted preliminary technical, financial, and legal studies which together form a strategy for a dynamic and sustainable energy sector in Ukraine. This strategy aims to provide guidelines for the design and regulation of Ukraine’s energy market that can bolster the country’s economy, facilitate its integration into European structures, shore up energy security and independence, and contribute to the climate goals of both Ukraine and the European Union.

Key takeaways

The clean energy transition in Ukraine is vital to securing independent energy supplies. Many energy carriers and raw materials are still (indirectly) imported from Russia. A clean energy transition is a political, economic, and moral imperative. Without safety there can be no prosperity.

Thanks to its wide-open spaces and capacity for large amounts of wind, solar, bio, and geothermal energy production, Ukraine has access to abundant clean energy to cover all its needs. The existing energy system has been greatly damaged and there is a chance to rebuild based on new technologies at all levels. The country can deploy and scale up innovative technologies, regulations, methods, and mindsets – learning best practices and leapfrogging to cutting-edge technologies wherever possible.
The clean transition can help Ukraine evolve from being a fossil-fuel importer to a clean energy export powerhouse. Europe needs more sustainable energy to replace fossil fuels and Ukraine is geographically and institutionally well-placed to fill that gap. Moreover, the country also has an abundance of raw materials. The country has the potential to mine critical raw materials, with many large deposits which have yet to be developed.

When Ukraine improves the transparency of its markets and bolsters the environment for investors, it will enjoy the benefits from increased foreign and domestic capital in search of safe and profitable investments. A secure legal framework and supportive regulatory and financial instruments will speed up reconstruction and deliver more broad-based prosperity through a vibrant economy.

The financial instruments with the most promise for a sustainable recovery and future growth include public-private partnerships, green bonds, transitions bonds, and de-risking measures for innovative technologies. They must be accompanied by independent, transparent, and objective agencies which are protected from political interference.

A just energy transition requires clear and sound legal instruments. This includes emissions trading schemes, guarantees of origin, green finance and investment regulations, energy-efficiency standards, strong buildings codes and circular-economy regulations, to mention a few. Independent bodies with State oversight should transparently draw up rules that are in the public interest and are enforced.

Agriculture is Ukraine’s largest economic sector, and the country is one of the world’s greatest exporters of many staple foods. This can be made even more productive by tapping its potential to produce energy from biomass and agricultural waste. The required technical solutions will need favorable regulatory and legal frameworks, as well as liquid markets and new infrastructure.

As Ukraine expands its renewable energy generation, it can also look to produce hydrogen and its derivatives, as fuels and energy storage mediums. The pipelines built for the transit of natural gas from Russia to Europe can be potentially adapted for hydrogen transport.

Ukraine has a long history of complex heavy industry and the steel and iron industry remains the country’s second-largest sector. Ukraine can leverage this experience to grade towards cleaner production for domestic use as well as export. This will require technological as well as regulatory and financial innovations. The government has, for instance, started a Coalition for the Green Recovery of the iron and steel sector, which aims to develop a pipeline of investment projects, address financial and policy issues, and facilitate coordination among stakeholders.

Sector-specific recommendations


The studies were prepared by a consortium of Ukrainian, European, and international partners including the BBH Group, GOLAW, the Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility (IKEM), the Yaroslav Mydryi National Law University Kharkiv and Horizon 2.

Launched in collaboration with:

IKEM and its partners would like to thank the following contributors:

 Dr. Daniel Hamilton (Johns Hopkins University), Dr. Andriy Konechenkov (Ukrainian Wind Energy Association), Oleksandr Kovalenko (Ukrainian Energy Exchange), Viktoria Kovalenko (dixi group),Prof. Joachim Müller-Kirchenbauer (TU Berlin), Philipp Offenberg (Breakthrough Energy), Prof. Dr. Rainer M. Speh, Peter Sweatman (Climate Strategy & Partners) and Kucher Serhii Vladyslavovych (PJSC UkrHydroEnergo).


IKEM is legally responsible for the contents of this website. The views expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the views of all authors, contributors, or funding bodies.

Get in touch

Simon Schäfer-Stradowsky

Executive Director – IKEM

T  +49 (0) 30 408 18 70-21
M +49 (0) 151-149 190 41

IKEM – Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility
Magazinstraße 15-16, 10179 Berlin, Germany 

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