New study published

Electric energy billing for overhead line trucks

Overhead line truck on test track

Overhead lines on highways are a promising approach to decarbonise heavy freight traffic. In a new study, IKEM has examined the legal framework with regard to the billing of energy consumption and the integration of overhead line trucks into the energy market.

In the ongoing research projects AMELIE 2 and ELISA II-B, actor models have been developed to illustrate the billing of electrical energy drawn by trucks from a roadside overhead line. The study, which IKEM conducted together with E-netz Südhessen AG and COUNT+CARE GmbH & Co. KG, compares both model approaches and develops proposals for the gradual system introduction of overhead line trucks.

“The focus of our study is the finding that electric road systems on highways form a new net sector that requires its own market regulation, depending on the market phase. Here, the legislator would have to take action as far as a market ramp-up of the technology is to take place,” says Giverny Knezevic, study author and research associate in the IKEM Mobility Department.


IKEM – Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility e.V.


Cover Studie
Knezevic, Giverny et al.

Die Abrechnung elektrischer Energie für Oberleitungs-LKW: Modellvergleich ELISA II-B und AMELIE 2



Overhead line trucks are a building block for the electrification of heavy goods traffic. IKEM develops proposals for a suitable legal framework.

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