A shared commitment to the energy transition

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Since 2014, IKEM has collaborated with the Brandenburg-based energy provider ENERTRAG on a range of topics ­– from the expansion of renewable energies to the development of new concepts for community and citizen participation. After eight years of close cooperation on energy transition projects, the organisations still have ambitious plans for the future.  The collaboration […]

‘What makes IKEM really strong is our emphasis on social empowerment’

In the 12 years since its founding, IKEM has evolved from a start-up aimed at filling a gap in legal research to an international and interdisciplinary research institute – and UN-recognised NGO – that drives climate change mitigation and the energy transition in a variety of ways.  Despite all the changes, in certain respects the […]

From theory to practice: Chibuikem’s story

In 2017, Chibuikem Agbaegbu participated in IKEM Academy for the first time. The interdisciplinary exchange and discussions of innovative solutions at the Academy so inspired the renewable energy expert that he returned in 2018. The following summer, he came back to the Academy – this time, as a speaker. In his presentation to Academy participants, Chibuikem drew on his experiences in Nigeria […]

At COP26, IKEM urges action on urban sustainability

Fighting climate change requires a coordinated, all-hands-on-deck approach. This calls on all stakeholders to recognise shared interests, pursue shared goals and manage shared risks. The goal of COP26 was to chart this kind of collective path forward. At COP, IKEM joined delegates from nearly 200 other countries to create a common vision for the systemic […]

ENGAGE kick-off: social innovation – now!

The evidence is in: a clear majority of Germans support renewable energy expansion (82%) and view the energy transition as a collaborative effort that requires everyone to do their share (83%). At the same time, many perceive the actual implementation process as chaotic and unfair and criticise the lack of opportunities for civil society to […]

Let’s get MUV’ing!

In Germany, cars claim many thousands of square kilometres of street space for driving (and parking). The UBA project Measures for the Rededication and Redistribution of Traffic Areas (MUV) is exploring the potential for alternative uses of these areas. Researchers are analysing approaches to improve quality of life in cities by promoting active mobility and […]

ESRa: for an energy transition that’s equitable – and custom-made

How do we design a transition that leaves no one behind? Since April 2020, IKEM and its partners in the ‘Energiewende im Sozialen Raum’ (ESRa) project have analysed differences between regional development potential in Berlin and the district of Spree-Neiße.   After six months of careful work, project participants are preparing their recommendations for publication. Jana Karras, a research associate in IKEM’s Energy Efficiency and Climate Finance Team, gives us a sneak peek.    IKEM’s […]

Climate protection on an industrial scale – What companies expect from politicians now

Contribution by Sabine Nallinger, Director of “Stiftung 2°” The latest IPCC report, as well as the forest fires in the Mediterranean and the flood disaster in Germany, make it unmistakably clear; the upcoming German government must put us on a binding and reliable path to climate neutrality using concrete measures. In addition to an ambitious […]