Fact Sheet: Recommendations on the protection of peatlands

Anklamer Stadtbruch

In order to use the potential of peatlands for climate protection in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, a state climate change law should be developed that sets emission reduction targets and instruments with explicit reference to peatlands. This is a key recommendation of the new fact sheet published today by the Greifswald Mire Centrum (GMC) and the Institute for Climate […]

IKEM presents models for the future promotion of renewable energy plants

IKEM – Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility has analyzed deliberations on reform for the EEG support mechanism and presented two concrete models for financing renewable energy plants, outside the existing EEG support. The study was conducted as part of the SINTEG Funding Programme “WindNODE”, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs […]

Five proposals for the reform of network charges

Electricity grid

With minor adjustments to the gas cooperation agreement, hydrogen could be quickly integrated into today’s gas industry. This would allow the hydrogen economy to be operationally integrated into the existing gas market without having to reinvent the wheel. This is the result of an analysis including concrete implementation proposals by IKEM.