Revising the Federal Transport Infrastructure Plan: a chance to move towards climate-friendly mobility

ICE auf einer Schnellfahrstrecke neben Autobahn

Decision makers are currently reviewing and revising a central mobility planning tool, the Federal Transport Infrastructure Plan, to meet today’s transport needs. This offers a valuable opportunity to reexamine the approaches prioritised in the plan. The rising number of car registrations should not automatically trigger the construction of new motorways; instead, priority must be given […]

Driving gender equality: recommendations for more gender-responsive mobility


The distinct needs and experiences of women and men are rarely taken into account in mobility and infrastructure planning, write Katharina Csillak and Sophie Kamenz in a recent analysis. The IKEM researchers propose ways to increase gender equality in practice, using the development of electric charging infrastructure as a case study. ‘Statistics show that most […]

Federal Order of Merit for IKEM Co-founder Dr. Friedrich Hagemeyer

Portrait Dr. Friedrich Hagemeyer

Dr. Friedrich-Wilhelm Hagemeyer was awarded the Federal Order of Merit for his outstanding services in making visible and promoting applied research at the science location Greifswald, on March 25 in Schwerin. With this honor, Germany recognizes his many years of volunteer work, including as president of the Greifswald University Club and as co-founder and board […]

Green light for the AHOI research project

hvv hop

At the e-mobility conference of the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV) on the 21 and 22 March 2023 in Hamburg, the project “Automation of the Hamburg on-demand service with integration into the public transport system” – in short AHOI was launched. The project plans to put a fleet of autonomously and manually controlled […]

Sustainable building and renovation will only succeed with binding regulations


At a joint online event today, the German Energy Agency (dena) and the Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility (IKEM) presented a study on the legal framework “Sustainable Building and Renovation”. The study comes to the conclusion that ecological, socio-cultural and economic sustainability aspects in the building sector are legally addressed, but that the […]

The hub for basic research at IKEM

The Research Academy stands for excellent basic research, scientific networking and the promotion of young researchers. It is the hub of IKEM, as it bundles all scientific work of the institute that deals with the fundamental legal, economic and political science issues of climate protection. In this interview, Dr Greta Reeh, Head of the Research […]

A legal foundation for a carbon-neutral future


Flexible, decentralised energy production can reduce emissions and put more power in the hands of consumers – if the right laws and regulations are in place. Judith Schäfer, head of IKEM’s Energy Law Department, explains the specific role of energy law in the fight against climate change. Schäfer also shares her vision of the energy […]

Revision of the Spatial Planning Act


The federal government has introduced a new version of the Spatial Planning Act (Raumordnungsgesetz, ROG) to speed up the planning and approval procedures for wind energy projects and promote the expansion of renewables. Although IKEM welcomes this legislative initiative, the planned changes raise concerns, in particular because their implementation may lead to new delays in […]

Connected mobility for climate action

On gathered 17 international project partners for the third ORCHESTRA plenary meeting on 1 and 2 February 2023. The project aims to coordinate and synchronise the transport networks (road, rail, sea, air) with each other in order to achieve better and more resilient traffic management. The meeting in Berlin served to exchange findings and decide […]

Climate and Innovation – the department starts 2023 with a new name

One department started the new year with a name change: Sustainability and Innovation became Climate and Innovation. The new name underlines IKEM’s ambition to identify and bring to use new approaches for dealing with the climate crisis. Find out more about the background of the name change in an interview with Anika Nicolaas Ponder, head […]