Transformative strategies for a climate-positive planet

Group photo

The 20th annual IKEM Academy ‘Energy and Climate’ brought together 38 participants from 21 countries in Berlin on 3-7 July to develop common ideas for paths towards a climate-positive planet. The workshops, lectures and excursions unpacked innovative ideas and strategies to reach our climate targets on time, from policy and litigation to participation and science […]

Green ammonia as an essential component of the energy transition

In the CAMPFIRE project, the Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility (IKEM) has published studies on the potential of green ammonia for the decarbonization of various sectors in Germany and Europe, and on the approval of ammonia-powered inland vessels. “Ammonia is in many ways a prime candidate to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from our […]

Expertise for climate action and the reconstruction of Ukraine

Participants of the IKEM Advisory Board Meeting 2023

The Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility (IKEM) has appointed new members to its scientific and strategic advisory board. Thirty distinguished representatives from politics, business and academia will work with the Institute over the next three years to help identify research topics and implement projects – such as the development of a roadmap for […]

Diversity, sustainability and interdisciplinary solutions

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The Mobility department is dedicated to the challenges associated with advancing digitalization and the development of autonomous vehicles. Other focal points include the transition to the use of alternative driving systems and fuels for transportation with as few greenhouse gas emissions as possible, innovative mobility concepts, the design of sustainable logistics, as well as the […]

CE marking of ammonia-powered sport yachts

Motorized boat

For a study published today, the Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility (IKEM) investigated how to enable the use of ammonia as a climate-neutral fuel for sport yachts in line with safety and environmental requirements. Since the EU safety standards for small watercrafts do not yet contain any requirements in this regard, the study […]

Research for climate protection

Jahresbericht Cover

In the annual report published today, IKEM looks back on a successful year: With 87 interdisciplinary research projects, more than 99 publications and around 60 presentations at professional conferences, IKEM was able to further expand its scientific work and make a concrete contribution to climate protection. On 56 pages, the annual report 2022 presents the […]

Networking for offshore wind and hydrogen projects in the Baltic Sea Region

Diskussion bei der BOWE2H-Netzwerkkonferenz

What does the future interaction of offshore wind energy and hydrogen production in the Baltic Sea region look like and what is currently happening in this area in Germany? These were some of the topics considered at a conference organised by IKEM on 22 May within the framework of the BOWE2H project. “With an overall […]

How fleet quotas and emissions trading contribute to the mobility transition

Bus der VLP

As part of the EUniS project, IKEM published factsheets that delve into the European Clean Vehicle Directive (CVD) and greenhouse gas quota trading. These factsheets are specifically designed to examine the effects of these instruments on public transport fleet operators. By 2030, the share of clean buses in Europe should be increased to 65 percent. […]

Mobility transition in rural areas

Group picture Mobi

At IKEM, on May 4, 2023, the MobiRural research consortium members convened to share their research outcomes and engage in discussions regarding the future course of the project. The European MobiRural initiative aims to identify sustainable solutions for rural mobility and create a practical learning platform to facilitate their successful implementation. In this way, the […]

How to effectively plan and approve ground-mounted photovoltaic systems

Ground-mounted photovoltaic systems on a green field

The energy transition is in full swing and the expansion of renewable energies plays a decisive role in the process. However, in order to achieve the government’s climate targets, it is necessary to accelerate the expansion of solar installations. In a new poster, IKEM and GermanZero therefore present a vision for enhancing the efficiency of […]