​​Unlocking Ukraine’s potential​

Participants of EUETH's COP28 side event in Dubai, December 2023

At a COP28 side event hosted by the Europe Ukraine Energy Transition Hub (EUETH), IKEM’s panelists highlighted the need for a robust legal framework and international cooperation for a successful transformation of the Ukrainian energy sector after the war. “The energy transition is a key element for Ukraine’s long-term prosperity. A successful transformation contributes to […]

“Developing the constitutional debt system in the context of climate protection”

With its ruling on November 15, 2023, the Federal Constitutional Court declared the Second Supplementary Budget Act 2021 null and void. The law aimed to allocate EUR 60 billion in unutilized credit appropriations to the “Climate and Transformation Fund” (KTF), originally earmarked for dealing with the coronavirus pandemic. According to the decision by the Federal […]

Social innovations – now more than ever!

Teilnehmer des vierten ENGAGE-Partner:innentreffens

The ENGAGE project is researching the potential of social innovations for the successful and inclusive implementation of the energy transition. The foundation for the activities for the remaining months of the project was laid at last week’s partner meeting. The energy transition in Germany can only succeed if we work together – as demonstrated by […]

Launch of the Europe-Ukraine Energy Transition Hub (EUETH)

Brussels, October 25, 2023 — Today, a consortium of Ukrainian, European, and international partners, including the Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility (IKEM), Breakthrough Energy, and the Yaroslav Mydryi National Law University Kharkiv, launched the Europe-Ukraine Energy Transition Hub (EUETH) in the presence of European Commission Executive Vice President Maroš Šefčovič and Ukraine’s First […]

Towards more courageous decision-making

At the IKEM Annual Conference on October 19, renowned experts presented their climate protection strategies for road freight transport. The presentations and subsequent discussions highlighted the challenges currently facing the industry and the urgent need for clear guidance and support from policymakers. IKEM Director Prof. Dr. Michael Rodi “On the one hand, road freight transport […]

Strategies for the expansion of electric road systems in Europe

Oberleitungs-LWK auf einem eHighway-Testfeld

Electric road systems (ERS) are infrastructures – such as overhead lines or inductive charging technologies – that enable electric vehicles to be supplied with energy while driving. These systems have the potential to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transportation, particularly in heavy freight transport. As part of the CollERS2 project, the Institute for Climate […]

Improve German government’s commitment to the Federal Climate Protection Act

Dr. Michael Kalis (IKEM) presents a study on climate governance at the Bundespressekonferenz.

Germany has failed to meet its legally mandated climate targets for several years in a row. German federal governments have repeatedly violated the Climate Protection Act, submitted inadequate climate action programmes and failed to meet deadlines. On behalf of Klima-Allianz Deutschland, IKEM has conducted a study presenting strategies to improve the governance of the Federal […]

Considering procedural privileges in conjunction with acceptance

Grid booster Kupferzell

The third edition of the IKEM publication series has been published by Springer. Dr. Ilka Dörrfuß’s dissertation uses the practical example of “grid booster” to address a central challenge of climate protection and the energy transition: How can urgently needed measures be implemented more quickly without jeopardizing social acceptance? Energy transition projects and other climate […]

Electric energy billing for overhead line trucks

Overhead line truck on test track

Overhead lines on highways are a promising approach to decarbonise heavy freight traffic. In a new study, IKEM has examined the legal framework with regard to the billing of energy consumption and the integration of overhead line trucks into the energy market. In the ongoing research projects AMELIE 2 and ELISA II-B, actor models have […]

International Maritime Organization strengthens climate protection

Cargo ship

In order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from shipping, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has revised its climate protection strategy. With the 2023 strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from ships,[1] the IMO is setting more ambitious targets than before. IKEM welcomes this decision, but in the following statement urges additional efforts towards the 1.5 […]