
We are working to ensure that digitization and autonomous driving help solve existing problems instead of exacerbating them.

The Mobility dapartment faces the challenges that arise from digitization and the development of autonomous vehicles and researches innovative mobility concepts, sustainable logistics and attractive public transport.

The transportation of people and goods is responsible for substantial greenhouse gas emissions and numerous other environmental problems. At the same time, mobility is at the core of economic growth and social cohesion, and a key driver of innovation. That’s why we need to ensure, for example, that the digitalisation of transport, right through to self-driving vehicles, helps solve existing problems rather than exacerbating them. Therfore IKEM analyses innovative mobility concepts that utilise autonomous systems, artificial intelligence and digitalisation.

To make autonomous driving a reality, the Mobility department is working on several practical projects on the topics of standardization, approval and liability, and a traffic law that enables autonomous driving with a high standard of safety. The research results form the basis for the evaluation of existing laws and recommendations for their improvement.

Furthermore, IKEM deals with the prerequisites for an attractive public transport system as well as various concepts of sustainable and innovative mobility – especially for rural areas. The institute supports the development of mobility centers by providing legal, urban planning and business management expertise. Multimodal mobility concepts and demand-oriented service forms are another field of work of the Mobility department.

The trolley truck approach, which IKEM is investigating, is intended to make a contribution to sustainable logistics. In addition, the team initiates new mobility services, e.g. citizen buses and fleet sharing.


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IKEM and EUETH will be hosting a series of side events at this year’s climate negotiations to discuss the energy-climate-defense nexus, the reconstruction of Ukraine’s energy system, and nature-based solutions for climate mitigation.