Interview with Judith Schäfer-Gendrisch

“Ammonia can contribute to the decarbonisation of various sectors and drive the development of a green hydrogen economy.”

Judith Schäfer-Gendrisch (Photo by Jule Halsinger)

In this interview, we spoke to Judith Schäfer-Gendrisch, Managing Director of IKEM and expert in energy law, about the role of ammonia in the energy transition and the potential that this promising energy source can play in the decarbonization of different sectors. The discussion also focussed on the legal and infrastructural challenges associated with the increased use of ammonia and possible solutions through a suitable legal framework.

What role can ammonia play in the energy transition?

Ammonia can play an important role in the energy transition by replacing fossil fuels and thus avoiding CO2 emissions. It can be used directly as a fuel in ships, motor vehicles, heating systems or industrial furnaces. The use of ammonia in solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) is also a promising option, for example in maritime shipping, where electrification is difficult due to the long distances involved.

Ammonia also has great potential as a hydrogen carrier. It contains a high proportion of hydrogen and can be used as an efficient energy carrier for transporting hydrogen. Ammonia crackers can be used to recover and utilize the hydrogen. Overall, ammonia can contribute to the decarbonization of various sectors and drive the development of a green hydrogen economy.

What advantages does ammonia have over other energy sources?

Ammonia is attractive as a fuel because it can be burnt without CO2 emissions. In contrast to alternatives (e.g. methanol, which is also being traded as a possible fuel and H2 carrier), no greenhouse gas-neutral carbon source is required. Ammonia is also easier to liquefy than hydrogen and contains around 1.7 times more hydrogen per cubic meter than liquid hydrogen does. This makes the transportation of ammonia uncomplicated and effective. Once the hydrogen has been transported in the form of ammonia (e.g. by ship), it can be converted back into pure hydrogen and fed into an H2 network, but it can also be transported by road, train and pipeline.

Ammonia has been traded worldwide on a large scale for many decades as a raw material, particularly for the fertilizer industry. For this reason, there is already experience in handling it and technologies for storage and transportation are already available as well as tried and tested. Accordingly, there are also already a number of safety standards and processes that are tailored to the material. In addition, ammonia is considered relatively safe due to its high auto-ignition temperature, low condensation pressure and lower gas density than air.

What challenges are associated with the increased use of ammonia?

Green ammonia is still rarely available globally, mainly because green hydrogen is scarce. There are also technical challenges, for example with cracking. Further development is also needed for ammonia fuel cells, but many research projects are currently addressing these issues. Safety concerns must also be addressed, as they are a key factor in the acceptance of ammonia as an energy source. In high concentrations, ammonia can be fatal if inhaled. It is also classified as a water pollutant, leakages to and in water bodies can cause pH changes and endanger the aquatic environment. However, it is important to note that we as a society have been accepting these and sometimes far greater dangers from fossil fuels for some time.

What is the current legal framework for ammonia and what changes do you think would be useful?

The legal framework for the use of ammonia as a fuel and energy source is already undergoing dynamic development, which is progressing at international, European and national level. At the level of international law, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has established a legal framework for the use of ammonia in maritime shipping with the expansion of the IGF Code (International Safety Code for Ships using Gases or other Low Flashpoint Fuels) and the development of Interim Guidelines. These interim guidelines define the technical requirements and safety standards for ammonia-powered ships. In addition, amendments to the IGC Code (International Gas Carrier Code) were recently adopted, which will allow the use of ammonia as fuel on tankers carrying ammonia as cargo for the first time. At European level, the RED II and III renewable energy directives and delegated acts further specify the legal framework for green fuels such as ammonia. Certification systems are also being introduced to guarantee compliance with European requirements and facilitate trade in green ammonia.

Despite this progress, there is still need for legal action, for example with regard to the approval of ammonia synthesis plants and the creation of clear liability regulations for ammonia-powered ships. There is also still a need for adaptation in the area of transportation and infrastructure for ammonia, for example in the handling of dangerous goods regulations and the legal framework for the construction of ammonia pipelines.

What is IKEM working on in the TransHyDE – Campfire project?

In this project, IKEM investigates the legal framework and acceptance issues surrounding a future hydrogen infrastructure. Various climate scenarios for green ammonia are being calculated in order to analyze logistics concepts and optimize their implementation. We also research the legal framework conditions for ammonia transportation and the technologies developed in the project. Another focus is placed on acceptance research, in which possible problems and obstacles in the production and use of green ammonia are investigated and addressed through an innovative communication concept.



IKEM – Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility e.V.

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