“There is a need for innovative legal solutions to address climate change”

SB60 climate negotiations in Bonn

The 60th biannual sessions of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) subsidiary bodies (SB60) in Bonn unfolded against a backdrop of geopolitical tensions and economic uncertainties. The event highlighted the complex interplay of global challenges and urgent climate action imperatives. Amid worsening trade disputes, ongoing regional conflicts, persistent inflation in major economies, and […]

Building bridges – interdisciplinary research on sustainability

Picture of Stoll-Kleemann

With the newly founded Research Directorate, IKEM would like to expand its work with additional perspectives and strengthen its interdisciplinary research on climate protection, energy and transport transition. In the interview with the two members of the Board of Directors, Prof. Dr. Susanne Stoll-Kleemann and Prof. Dr. Jelena Bäumler, we talked about their research focuses, […]

Expertise and input for climate action

Members of the IKEM Research Directorate

For almost 15 years, IKEM has been conducting interdisciplinary research on climate change mitigation as well as the transition to sustainable energy and transport under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Michael Rodi. In view of the continued growth of the institute and the expanding range of topics covered, IKEM is now strengthening its scientific management […]